Conquering Austin One Hire at a Time: The HeyHire Journey

June 17, 2023
5 min read
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Two years ago, we set out on a mission. A mission to change the face of local hiring in Austin, one business at a time. With the conviction that proximity matters in hiring, we ventured into an often overlooked niche. The journey was anything but easy, but it was indeed rewarding.

Knocking on doors and pitching our dream, we took to the streets of Austin. The first step was always the hardest – breaking through the noise, battling skepticism, and earning trust. But we believed in our solution, in our capacity to fill a void in the local hiring process.

As word of our innovative hiring approach spread, we started seeing results. A few hires turned into dozens, dozens into hundreds. Each success was a brick in the foundation of trust we were building within the Austin community.

Today, we are proud to say that we have helped over 100 businesses in Austin make more than 2000 hires. But it's more than just the numbers. It's about the local cafe that found the perfect barista, the food truck that hired a reliable cook, the boutique that discovered a friendly salesperson – all within their neighborhood. Each hire, a testament to the power of local recruitment, the magic of proximity.

Our story in Austin isn't just about HeyHire's success; it's a story of community strength. It's about how small, local businesses came together to reinvent the hiring process, to create a network of opportunities, and to invest in their own neighborhoods.

What started as a door-to-door journey has transformed into a wave of referrals from satisfied businesses. And while this journey has been fulfilling, we know it's far from over. With every new hire, we learn more, we grow more, and we build towards our ultimate goal – to help businesses everywhere say, "Hey, hiring isn't so hard after all."

The success of HeyHire in Austin serves as a stepping stone to even bigger dreams. We are excited about the journey ahead and can't wait to bring our unique local hiring solution to more cities, more businesses, and more job seekers. Because at the end of the day, the heart of HeyHire is not just about creating an app; it's about making a difference, one local hire at a time.

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